Amidst the dread of classwork and the stress of everyday life, I like to remember that I have a purpose to living, that being to consume content!!!!!! In all seriousness though, unironically remembering things that are coming out in the future helps me keep pushing through shitty situations. Like last fall with Sonic x Shadow Generations and the movie–I was suffering in my classes but I had to remember Shadow…and I made it out of there. So I made a list of stuff that's keeping me together now. There’s lots of new games coming out on the horizon, so I’m super hyped for the near future!!
1) Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
Last summer, I played the Metal Gear Solid trilogy and I fell in love. Its soooo good. I especially loved MGS3, so when the remake was announced I was pretty excited. My main and pretty much only issue with the game was that the controls were kinda ass (and to be fair i unknowingly played the subsistence mode so it really felt off), BUT the remake seems to fix all that. I think that MGS3 would be one of my top favorite games of all time if the gameplay was tuned to be more dynamic and easier to control, which is what the remake seems to have fixed. Not to mention the game looks absolutely gorgeous…ugh the Boss, Eva, and Snake look spectacular. I actually cannot wait until August for the game, Im gonna die without it AHHHHHHHH
2) Metroid Prime 4: Beyond
After 7 long years of no news on Metroid Prime 4 (aside from the fact that they restarted development lol), and even longer since a new prime game, Nintendo finally showed MP4 in a nintendo direct last summer. I got into the metroid franchise through youtube reviewers, and I was fascinated by the interesting characters and dynamic history of the relatively niche franchise. Back when the first teaser for MP4 released, nintendo also had another (real) metroid game announced for the 3DS, that being the perfectly titled Metroid: Samus Returns (and it was her return after 7 years of absence, last game being Other M in 2010 damn). I got that game and the even more hype game, Metroid Dread, which had been teased as the sequel to Metroid Fusion all the way back in 2005 (yet it was cancelled at the time since the DS wasn’t powerful enough). Both games are absolute perfection, alongside the recentish Metroid Prime Remastered, and I really can’t recommend them enough. The recent trailer for MP4 has me going crazy though–its stunning especially for a switch game, and seeing Samus and SYLUX SPECIFICALLY made me go insane. Nintendo has been teasing the character Sylux for a long time now–all the way back in 2006, he was first introduced in Metroid Prime Hunters, with not much backstory given to him aside from his hatred of the Galactic Federation. He is then teased at the end of Metroid Prime 3 in 2007, with his ship following Samus’ at the very end. And he was teased one last time in the shitty spinoff nobody played, Metroid Prime Federation Force. He seems to have broken into the Galactic Federation and stolen a metroid which is very very interesting. And whats more interesting is that in the trailer, he has mochtroids beside him, not metroids. I am so confused with what Sylux’s plan is, but I am so excited to see how it unfolds. The game looks so outstanding and it better win GOTY or i will riot.
3) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7 (Anime)
Taking a tiny break from talking about video games to instead talk about another, just as nerdy and loserish thing–anime. Over the past 3 or so years, I had slowly been chipping away at watching Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Its kinda weird to get into since it doesn’t start with the iconic stand powers, and there are a LOT of episode. Like. Around 40 per season…but I stuck through with it. I ended up really loving Part 2, 3, and 4 a lot. 5 is my least favorite, but I dont think its bad whatsoever, its just even slower than previous parts and its ending could’ve been more interesting imo (they should’ve utilized my goat Trish more!!!). Part 6 was the whole reason I started watching and goddamn did it deliver. I have no idea how people say its the worst when it was the first part for me that had me glued to the screen the ENTIRE time. No week long breaks or anything, I finished it in like 2 days. Part 6 is outstanding, and for that (as well as the quality of the other parts) I recommend the anime. Recently, they announced Jojo Day, and since its a paid livestream, people are 100% convinced its a part 7 anime announcement. I have heard a lot of great things about Part 7, to a point where I was really close to pirating the manga (cuz the manga is like 20 years behind in the US :P). The character designs are awesome, its about cowboys, and I heard that the plot is the peak of Jojo. So, hopefully Jojo Day announces it!! They better bc i need it or im gonna DIE!!!!!!!
4) Next 3D Sonic
Sonic is in an interesting place right now. For the 2010s, he was a laughing stock of gaming, with people being extra critical of the little blue guy for no reason. To this day i dont get why people hated SA1 and 2 so much–I understand that the gameplay changes are jarring, but to me, they’re still really fun. But anyway, after the Sonic movie made bank and Frontiers released with great reception, things were really looking up. Even Japan was interested, with sales for Frontiers being higher there than usual despite his appeal being pretty western (but that can be attributed to a lot of EVA/Anime influences in its direction). And now with the Frontiers DLC bringing the characters to the spotlight again, Sonic 3 hitting the nail on the head with Shadow, and Shadow Gens being outstanding, the franchise has hit a stride that it couldn’t capture for years. In all the Sonic media released in the 2020s, you can see how much passion and love was put into them, and with the new Sonic director being open to bringing back the Adventure style and playing into physics, Sonic is in great hands. There is so much potential for the open zone format seen in Frontiers, which we got to see a slight expansion of in Shadow Gens. If we get proper physics (and hell, a straight up removal of the boost format and a transition to the Adventure style again), all original levels, and the same writing quality, the next sonic game could be INSANE. I know they’re cooking and I trust that the next game will be good. And unlike people from twitter, I am so down for them remaking 06. If they fixed the writing, tweaked the level design, and made the graphics less ugly, it could so easily be a top 3 sonic game. Sonic team I trust you please dont fail me
5) .45 Parabellum Bloodhound
I can guarantee that you have not heard of this game, so please look it up I beg!!!! If you’ve heard of the game VA11 HALL-A, its by the same people. Its not out yet, nor will it be anytime soon but omfg. My favorite game of all TIME, is Parasite Eve, a 1998 RPG by squaresoft, featuring this blend of turn-based and action. Think of FF7R with having to wait for your meter to fill to take action, but still being able to walk around. .45 Parabellum Bloodhound uses the exact system from PE and it looks outstanding. And with the cyberpunk aesthetic and the awesome PS1 esque graphics, this game is MADE FOR ME. It kills me with how Square Enix treated the Parasite Eve property after the 1998 game. It got a sequel in 1999, but they changed the gameplay to make it a Resident Evil clone. They tried to compete with capcom, but failed since it sucked away everything unique about the first game. The series was then shelved until 2010 with the release of The Third Birthday which…I dont even have the time or energy to describe how garbage it is. But again, gameplay was not the same whatsoever. So this really cool gameplay system was just…never used again. It makes me so happy that someone (an entire indie dev company at that) also sees and potential, and is making a game with that same system. Like every time I remember this game i geek out like crazy ughhagjdgsadgjfgsj. Its gonna be so good.
6) my gameeee :P
Corny but true. I’ve been really upset at myself for a while now since I can’t really code any of it at the moment. I’m a full time student who has to code for school, so coding for myself is difficult since I already have to do it a lot. I can say tho–the game design document is now 99% complete. I didn’t need to make more progress on it yet, but I did anyway since I wanted everything finished. All thats left is making specific pieces of evidence you find in the world, some of which is already made! I even made a flow chart of all the characters and how they’re connected. I can’t show you tho so just trust me shhhhhh. Below is some concept art of two people before they became zombies who you may encounter in game (also check out my first blog that announced it if you havent already!).

Anyway, thank you so much for reading. I wanted to make a fun blog post, so here it is. Writing this made me feel so much better actually. There’s so many things im hyped for that i didnt even mention, like the new Shinobi game and Silent Hill f, but i didnt wanna make this post too long. But yeah theres a lot of fun stuff which makes me happy. On another note, I promise im gonna improve my website soon. Eventually. Maybe. Thanks again for reading!! Bye!!